The Big BANG Bookstore

Quantum Physics For Beginners, Into the Light

Image of Quantum Physics For Beginners, Into the Light


In 1965, the great American physicist Richard Feynman famously proclaimed, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands Quantum Mechanics." Is there any wonder why? Particles that pop in and out of existence... Spooky action at a distance that travels faster than light... Infinite universes and branching realities… The impossible phenomenon that breaks the rules of physics and altered the course of WWII... Miracle computers that work 158 million times faster than the world's best supercomputers… Most people, unfortunately, were never taught how wonderful and spectacular quantum physics really and truly is in school... And the ones who do receive formal training are overwhelmed with advanced mathematics that only makes sense to a fraction of the population...

Author: John Stoddard
